Why Asma and Hiba?

Education is a fundamental human right that should be accessible to all, irrespective of their geographical location. Sadly, twin sisters Asma and Hiba from Gaza face significant obstacles in pursuing their dreams due to the challenging circumstances and ongoing illegal occupation in their home country.

While we may not have the power to change the situation for everyone in Gaza or across the globe, we can make a meaningful difference where we can. Through the sale of my paintings, merchandise, and the GoFundMe campaign, our aim is to alter the trajectory of these two young women who possess immense potential to make a positive impact in the world, if given the opportunity.

Our goal may seem ambitious, but the vision of witnessing Asma and Hiba graduate with honors from a university in the United States fuels our determination. It is this vision that keeps us going, and it is our hope that through the items and options we provide, we can raise the necessary funds to bring these two exceptional young women to the United States, where they can embark on their transformative educational journey.

our goal: $100K

The approximate cost for readjustment is $115,000 for both girls for two years.

asma AND hiba now

During the first two years, Asma and Hiba will attend Lone Star Community College – a community college near Rana’s home. It will provide them with the perfect introduction to life in the US and a basic sense of what college life is here. During these first two years, the girls will focus primarily on the College’s English as a Second Language (ESL) curriculum to get their language skills to the level that they will need to pursue their post-graduate studies in the US. The goal is to ultimately secure scholarships at a university in order for them to continue with their post-graduate studies.

Below, we have listed an estimated break-down of cost for their first two years as follows:


This includes both girls’ visas, travel to and from Gaza to secure visas, and airline costs from Gaza to the US, as well as additional travel costs for the first two years seeking universities and gas mileage.


In year two, we are hoping to move Asma and Hiba out of Rana’s house and get them an apartment to encourage independence and place them near their university of choice.

personal items:

This includes clothing, phones, basic everyday living items and other personal goods they require.


This includes both girls’ tuition at Lone Star Community College for two years - and if they are accepted into graduate studies before then, it will go toward that.


This includes food and meals for the girls that are not consumed at home.


We are allotting this money for any unforeseen circumstances and expenses.

Rana’s history with asma & hiba

Twin sisters, Asma and Hiba, from Gaza, initially came to the US (Phoenix, AZ) to live with us when they were 6 years old back in 2003. At the time, I felt a deep need to contribute more directly to helping the people of Palestine. So, I reached out to the US-based non-profit organization, Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF), whose tireless efforts have transformed the lives of countless children throughout the Middle East in need of life-saving procedures. PCRF readily coordinated all the details for the girls, including their treatment with Phoenix Children's Hospital, which graciously provided the necessary medical care at no cost to us.

Before their treatment began, I traveled to Gaza to spend several days getting to know the girls and their family, and vice versa, in the Rafah Refugee Camp where they lived. With a promise to do everything we could to assist the girls, their parents entrusted their precious children to me, and together, we embarked on a journey out of Gaza and into a world they never imagined existed.


During their stay with me and my then-husband, John L. Habib, Asma and Hiba underwent corrective surgeries for clubbed feet. Asma, up until that point, had never been able to wear a shoe on her left foot, and it was affecting her gait and spine as she grew. Hiba also required corrective surgery on her right foot, although her procedure was less complex.

Under the exceptional care of their primary surgeon, Dr. Gregory White, with the assistance of Dr. Stephen Milliner, who offered their services free of charge, Asma underwent a 5-hour surgery, while Hiba's surgery took about two hours. Later, Hiba would also receive surgery to correct muscles in both her eyes, generously provided by Dr. Karen Robertson, a pediatric ophthalmologist. Once again, Phoenix Children's Hospital welcomed Hiba for her second procedure. Additionally, both girls received dental treatment and care from Dr. Thomas Sims and his amazing team. The unwavering kindness and boundless generosity displayed by the doctors, their staff, the management at Phoenix Children's Hospital, and our friends at the time were not only deeply appreciated but also profoundly humbling and immeasurable in their impact.

During the 6 months they spent with us in the US, Asma and Hiba thrived. They experienced a sense of security that was absent in Gaza. They had access to running water at all times, which was a luxury they couldn't enjoy back home. They played freely, felt grass under their feet for the first time, slept without fear, danced, and learned not to fear helicopters. We took them to Disney and Universal Studios, where they got to experience the magic. However, after 6 months, the day came when we had to return them. Their feet were fixed, their eyes strengthened, and their spirits uplifted.


We returned Asma and Hiba to their challenging home environment, where they displayed remarkable determination in their pursuit of education, despite the hardships imposed by Israel's occupation and blockade. Against all odds, Asma has gone on to earn an MBA, and Hiba graduated with a degree in accounting, both achieving the highest honors. However, their aspirations don't end there. They now dream of returning to the US, this time to pursue accredited graduate degrees, knowing that it will position them to excel and make an even greater impact in their beloved homeland than what they could achieve in Gaza.

Hiba Asma and REK at an amusement park

Rana, Asma, and Hiba at an amusement park

With their dentist, Dr. Sims

With their opthalmologist, Dr. Robertson

Asma with her walker, post-surgery

Note: If we are unable to raise the needed funds of $100,000 for Asma and Hiba’s graduate degrees in the United States, rest assured that your contributions will still have a positive impact. In that case, the funds raised will be forwarded to Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing medical and humanitarian aid to children in need throughout the Middle East.

Your support will still make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need. Thank you again for your compassion and willingness to create a brighter future for those who need it most. Together, we can make a positive change in the lives of others.